Sunday, June 3, 2012

פרק כט

At the beginning of פרק כט, Yaakov leaves as a scared individual. He’s running away with nothing. To our knowledge, G-d’s never spoken to him. When he's in a place it is described as “B’makom” - which could mean that this is a special place where the Beit Hamikdash will be, but it could also just mean a simple place. He gathers the rocks and goes to sleep on them and has a dream the ladder is rooted in the ground reaching to the sky and the angels of Hashem are going up and down it. Hashem appears to him and says, “I am the G-d of your father Avraham, and the land that you’re sleeping on will be given to you (aretz), and I won’t leave you as long as you do everything I tell you.” 
This land represents Brit Avraham that’s going to be given to him. They’ll be numerous and blessed. But he doesn't get the leadership bracha - Hashem doesn’t say kings will come from you. Yaakov didn’t receive this because he wasn’t ready yet to be a leader. 
Interpretation of the dream: This must be the house of G-d and gateway to heaven. He makes the oath with G-d, that if he gets the basic necessities, he will make a house of G-d, take him as G-d and give him ma’aser of everything that he gets.
What does a Mizbayach do? Avraham built it to attract other followers. Yaakov built a מצבה (monument), it was for G-d in order for Yaakov to have a rendezvous with Him and have a religious experience. This is where he will build a בית אלוקים.
Promise that he made: two ways to look at it - negative and positive. The negative would be if he meant if and then – which makes it seem like he doubts what Hashem is saying. The positive would be him saying that he has belief and faith in Hashem, and when he comes back and Hashem is with him he’s gonna be better than ever and build a
בית אלוקים.

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