Sunday, April 22, 2012

Brothers in the Torah

In Rav Hirsch's commentary it says that due to Yaakov and Esav's difference in personality, they should've been raised differently. Children should be raised according to the presumed path of life to which his tendencies lead. This could be why Yaakov and Esav grew up to be enemies, but it didn't really  have to to be that way. Their differences in personality could've complimented each other. While I was thinking about this on Thursday, I was thinking a lot about Yisaachar and Zevulun (sons of Yaakov and Leah), brothers in the Torah who had very different personalities but managed to use that to their advantage.

The relationship between Zevulun and Yissachar is truly remarkable and significant. Rather than competing, and literally facing one another in battle like Yaakov and Esav, they respect each other’s strengths and maintain a symbiotic relationship. In Bereishit perek 49 pessukim 13-14 it states, “Zevulun shall settle by seashores. He shall be at the ship’s harbor, and his last border will reach Zidon. Yissachar is a strong-boned donkey; he rests between the boundaries.” Rashi explains that Zevulun engages in commerce and provides for Yissachar so that he can be devoted to learning. As the Sforno elaborates, one cannot immerse himself wholly in Torah unless he has an income. I understand this to mean that their relationship is so unique because although they lead fundamentally different lives, they equally benefit from one other. Instead of fighting like Esav and Yaakov, we should unite like Zevulun and Yissachar. The Jewish nation can learn a lot from these brothers. Different Jews have different goals in this world, and those differences should be brought together to make a stronger nation. Perhaps Yaakov saw that his parents didn't raise him and Esav in the right way, so he made sure to raise his own children according to their own tendencies and personalities? 

1 comment:

  1. This is a cool idea. I specifically like the last part that you wrote about how Yaakov saw that his parents didn't raise him and Esav in the right way so he made sure to raise his own children in a different fashion that would suit their unique personalities best. This shows that Yaakov realized his parents' mistake and perhaps tried to correct this mistake when he became a parent. I like this a lot!
