Friday, April 27, 2012

Believe in yourself and you shall reach... a high level

We learned a new percpective in class, that Yaakov was actually wrong in all of his actions( the fact that he took advantage of Eaav and lied to his father about being Esav). He therefore ends up paying his whole life, having a difficult and sad life since he has to work for Lavan and (some would say this is mida keneget mida) he gets tricked by Lavan since he got married to the wrong sister and therfore had to work another 7 years to get the woman that he wanted.

This percpective is very interesting since it shines a whole different light on the story of Yaakov and his character. Since the torah is here to teach us lessons, I believe there is another lesson taught here.

Why would the Torah show us such a negative side of our zadik forefather Yaakov? Doesn't this show that he on some level did not have a great morality since he did not act in an ethical way, meaning Avraham would have never approved of such actions? Then why is this story here?

I believe that we can learn from this that even our great zadik forefathers had his faults, but he was still able to become a great person and a wonderful example for his descendents.

Let us take this story as an example for how we should view life. Even if we have sinned, or not lived exactly in the way a yadik would (by doing the little things such as gossiping for example) we should not give up and think that we do not have hope. I believe that Chasarat be tshuva is a very hard but nice thing to achieve and it is wonderful that the torah has such an option since it gives room for every person to improve, yes, even you!

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