Sunday, December 18, 2011

Anochi Hashem Elokaychem

These Mitzvot are more religious mitzvot. The world "Elokaychem" gives an authority and an identity. This is showing us that He's a divine G-d. And the role of these mitzvot are more religious demands that Hashem makes of us. There are many different religious laws that we encounter that are followed by Anochi Hashem Elokeychem. This section shows us that even the moral ideas are divinely commanded. It's showing us that even though we are to respect and fear your parents, you can't break a rule of G-d even if they say to. Similar to the sexual boundaries that are set up, we are to create a boundary so that we don't even come anywhere close to violate Avodah Zarah. It includes sharing with others to show the importance of it by tagging it with a religious label. And when it includes Chukim in this group it's to show that Hashem is all-powerful and he has control over things that don't seem like they are religious. We must put all of our power into Hashem, and not focus on ourselves as powerful beings at all. It shows us that we need to separate ourselves from other nations so that we can be Kadosh. Most of these things we expect to be in a set of religious laws, but the few things that seem semi-moral are just to show us how G-d is in control of everything.

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