Monday, December 5, 2011

Non Jews do not have to follow moral laws.

In class we are learning about all the moral laws that Jews have to follow. Then someone asked a question, if this is only addressed to the Jews or the whole world.
We also know about the "7 mitzwot bnei noach", the 7 laws that every Non Jew must follow.

It is right that the non Jews do not have to follow the moral laws? But they are so important and improve the society so why is it not a must for them too to follow them?

The mitzwot benei noach.. why exactly these 7 laws and not any others, is there a special significance to them?

1 comment:

  1. I think that the significance of these seven mitzvot is that they are focused on a moral aspect. They teach non Jews not to kill, steal, commit adultery etc. They are important in maintaining a safe and just society. I think that besides these mitzvot, all of the rest are geared specifically toward Jews because we have a different role in the world. God chose us as His nation and we are supposed to construct our lives according to what God told us to do that makes us separate from all other nations. So, it does not seem that the non Jews don't have to be moral people, they just don't have all of our rules because most of them are directed specifically to us as Jews.
