Thursday, February 16, 2012

Before & After

As we were racing through Noach - we learned about the Mabul (obviously). We saw the differences between before the mabul and after:
Before: there was this moral code that was never explicitly stated but that we implied. Clearly, the people really didn't fully comprehend this moral code because the sinned. So...

After: Hashem decided to explicitly state laws that were for everyone - now we know them as the Sheva Mitzvot B'nei Noach. This applied to everyone living in the world.

Personally, I really liked the idea that Hashem 'realized' that we weren't perfect - and that we must be explicitly told something in order to actually fulfill Hashem's wishes. As a child, we are taught many things - however, if we were never told these things, we would most likely never end up doing these things. This shows just how important it was that Hashem explicitly stated the commandments and the importance of having set laws (the Sheva Mitzvot B'nei Noach). Although we much later received the Torah, and along with it many mitzvot, we had these 7 laws at this time - and that allowed us to strive towards Hashem's image of how the world should work, and although we don't always reach this ideal, the laws and Hashem's explicit statement of them, helped us better ourselves as individuals and as a nation.

1 comment:

  1. There is no reference to Bnei Noach until the 1st century CE. And HaSheim never realized anything. He knows everything. There is nothing for Him to realize. It is time you learned the Tanakh for yourself, from the beginning, in the Hebrew. Then you will be able to distinguish what in the Mishnah pertains to halakha and what does not.
