Monday, February 13, 2012

Noach to Yitro

After learning about the Mabul, we learned differences between pre-mabul and post mabul. Before the mabul there was an implied moral code and inferred ethics. The people obviously could not handle this so after the mabul there was an explicit set of laws that were for everyone. These are the sheva mitzvot bnei Noach. This universal system applied to the WHOLE world. After the mabul man also had dominance and authority over animals while before it was only 'Civshua.' This weekend in particular I found this very interesting because this past week's parsha was parshat Yitro. This is when the Jewish people get the Torah. After this we really become 'Bnei Yisrael' with a book of 613 mitzvot. From this we see how Bnei Yisrael gradually become a nation of G-d. This is such a momentous event and we must realize that during this event all of the Jews were together. They were one nation, all standing together trembling at the voice of G-d. There is such a difference between this situation and the mabul. The mabul happened because the world was corrupt and the people didn't understand the natural order of things. Noach had to separate himself from the whole (community) because it was so corrupt. This description does not represent a nation. If we look at how the Jewish people grew from the time of the mabul all the way to Matan Torah, it is pretty amazing. This shows us that things don't just change in a minute, day, week, or even a year. Things take time, and the people were ready at Har Sinai- although they hesitated a bit. If the Torah was given after the mabul instead of the sheva mitzvot bnei Noach, then we might not even be here today. There is no way the people were ready for such a high standard. More importantly, we learn the importance of community and unity, the theme of the shabbaton! When we got the Torah we were one, and we must stay that way for eternity. However, along the way, there might be times when the community is corrupt and we need to separate from it just like Noach did.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you connected this to the shabbaton and the parsha.
