Yesterday in class we discussed a very important point that I would like to expand upon. We learned that Hashem came to Avraham and told him to get up, take his family and belongings and go to a totally new place. At the time, Avraham had absolutely no clue where Hashem was taking him, but he followed anyway. This shows exactly how important Avraham and Hashem's relationship was at the time. Avraham didn't know what he was doing. Hashem promised to make him a great nation and that the land would be for him and his future generations, but how could Avraham believe all of this? After all, he didn't even have any children at the time. This is all proof that their relationship is not based on the promise of the land. It is based on trust. Avraham trusted Hashem the entire time and did not doubt Him. This is an important lesson for us. We should always trust in Hashem, even when we are not exactly sure where He is leading us.
This relationship served as a model relationship for later generations. We see throughout history that the Jews were brought into exile many times, but they made it through. This is because they continued to have faith in Hashem. We are in exile today, but by looking at the relationship between Avraham and Hashem in this perek, we are able to learn that we can have a good relationship with Hashem outside of Israel, the land that He promised to Avraham and to us.
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