In perek 17 we learn that Hashem changes Avram and Sarai's names to Avraham and Sarah. When we were young we learned that their names were changed because Hashem was with them and therefore a 'hay' was added to their names. This is lovely and all, but now that we are older and wiser, I would like a more substantial answer. Any ideas?
In passuk hay Hashem says to Avram that he will now be called Avraham because he will be the father of many nations. As we said in class, these passukim are building up on the 'Goy Gadol' promise that was given in the first part of the first revelation between G-d and Avram in perek 12. If this is really just building up on the 'Goy Gadol' promise than why wasn't Avram's name changed in perek 12 when it first starts talking about the 'Goy Gadol?' I guess you can say that in perek 12 it was only an introduction to the 'Goy Gadol' idea and the idea was really embellished in perek 17. Also, in perek 17, we learn that the sign of the brit is the brit milah. At the end of the perek Avram is circumcised himself and that really makes him deserving of Hashem being in his name. That brit milah almost proves that Avraham will be the father of many nations.
We also learn in this perek that Sarai's name becomes Sarah. I find this very interesting because Sarai was not really acting in such a 'G-dly' way. Mrs. Perl kept saying in class that Sarai is not being described in a positive light. After she tells Avram to have a child with Hagar, she get upsets at Avram and accuses him of thinking that maybe his zera should be from Hagar. We soon learn that Sarai afflicts Hagar and Hagar flees. So, it seems that instead of Sarai getting punished for her actions, she gets rewarded in getting her name changed, being blessed, and having a son.
Since I obviously missed a lot of class, I am not totally following everything about Sarai/Sarah but I wanted to add that I think many people forget how hard Sarai's life must have been. Her husband was truly unlike everyone else of their time; it's kind of like if we all were cannibals now and then suddenly your husband got up and said he doesn't eat people anymore. You would be expected to go along with your husband, but it would be very difficult because you have to be different than everyone else. Maybe she isn't described in a positive light, but we have to give her some credit for going along with her husband and being (as far as we know) very supportive! Maybe that is why she deserved to have her name changed as well.