(For instance, and let this be QUESTION 1 for my fellow readers: The beginning of the perek says that the Lord appears to Avraham, but then it says that 3 men came, and he ran to do hachnassat orchim and take care of them. What's the deal. Really, what is going on here? Was he all like, "Hold on, Hashem.. I'm gonna put you on hold.. I just have to wash these random guys' feet and give them bread, but I'll be back, don't worry"? Do you think that these angels really appeared? Do you think that it was all part of the vision? I'm sorry, but this might be a little too trippy for me. What's happening! Ahh! )
That was so not where this blog was supposed to go. Why don't I just get right to it, then.. After that whole angel/not angel happened, and Hashem told Avraham that Sarah was going to have a child, something even weirder happened!
Hashem literally stops and asks himself "should I tell Avraham this?" Here, I'll give you the passuk.
"And the LORD said: 'Shall I hide from Abraham that which I am doing; seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? For I have known him, to the end that he may command his children and his household after him, that they may keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and justice; to the end that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which He hath spoken of him." (16-19)
This is Hashem arguing with Himself on the issue of whether or not he should tell Avraham about Sedom. In the next passuk He decides to tell him. But wait-- (QUESTION) why should God have to tell Avraham? This is unprecedented! Nothing like this happens in the whole Torah- what's going on!Why does Avraham need to be informed, and why should he be informed?
Avraham is going to be known as someone who values צדק ומשפט. Therefore, before G-d moves forward with His plan, he decides to stop and tell Avraham. Indeed, Avraham argues with G-d to try to save Sedom, even if there are only 10 good people.
There are many different places in Tanach where Sedom is described as the antithesis of צדק ומשפט. Avraham is the paradigm of צדק ומשפט and Sedom stands as the complete and total opposite. Hashem talks about the actions of the people and all of their problems, and its always in the context of Sedom. What we see here is that Sedom is antithetical to Avraham. Avraham teaches his children- he doesn’t just do it, he passes it along- to follow G-d and have צדק ומשפט. Then we have Sedom.
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