Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bracha without leadership

This week we learned that when Yaakov received Avrahams bracha from God, he did not yet receive the bracha of leadership: that he will be the King of other nations.

The simple reason given for this fact is because Yaakov was spiritual and not yet ready to be a leader to others, therefore the Bracha was not given to Yaakov.

I was wondering whether it was really possible for Yaakov to grow to be a leader for others if he was not born having this forte. Although we have not yet learned when Yaakov will receive this bracha, I cannot imagine that he should receive this bracha if he is not fit for it.

This comes back to the question, why couldnt Esav and Yaakov shared the bracha, and Esav would have gotten the bracha of leadership while Yaakov would have gotten the bracha for spirituality. This would seem to have been the most sensible solution.

Maybe the reason why  this bracha is pushed off is in order to show Yaakov that he needs to work towards this goal and grow to become a leader so that he will be worthy and fit to receive that God.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very interesting post Sharon! I was also thinking about the bracha and how different it would have been if Esav and Yaakov had shared it or "split" it so that they each had different qualities of the Bracha-spiritual and physical. I think also that in order to keep the chain of the Nivchar, it was important that the Bracha stay with one person instead of two. I may be confusing all these concepts, but that makes sense to me!
