Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hello my dear fellow classmates,
So this week we learned about Yaakov’s little dream and Neder with god. Of course there was automatic shock upon reading the part in which Yaakov dares to bargain with god. How dare he bargain that he will only follow Hashem if he is provided with food, clothes and protection? This instant reminded me of something else that we learned earlier this year. Remember when Avraham bargained with Hashem when discussing the people of Sdom and Amorah. He kept bargaining with god and saying that if a certain amount of Zadikim were found in the city he shouldnt destroy the city. God never punished Yaakov ar Avraham for bargaining with him. why do you think that is? Is it because they were on such a high spiritual level that they were allowed to speak to god in that manner? Do you think its wrong that God allowed this behavior. I know that we learned an explanation that Yaakov didnt mean to bargain with god, rather that he was so certain that God would take care of him that he made this promise to attest to that fact and that he’ll be able to return and build Hashem where the monument is. But lets ignore that for a moment..

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