Rivka plays a big role in the story we learned about Yizchaks blessing because she is the one that encouraged and commanded Yaakov to trick his father. In this we see some of Rivkas characteristics coming out aswell. Although we do not know if she is punished for her actions or even if her actions were actually something that had to happen, we can see how Rivka still has some influence from her family.
Since she came from a non zadikim family, Rivka has probably learned from Lavan the act of trickery (since he tricked Yaakov later aswell with the daughers).
Rivka has also always been portrayed as this wonderful Ima of the 4
Imahot who left her family and changed her ways for a moral and good
life, but in this story we see another side of her.
Maybe the torah here came to teach us that sometimes there is still "spontaneous recovery," where people tend to go back to the way they were used to, and therefore so did Rivka.
It is also possible that God came to her, telling her that she has to do this in order for Yaakov to get the bracha and for things to play out a certain way.
We shall never know, but we can always think about it, what do you think?
I think it's very fair to say that Rivka is responsible for this mess. Since I still cannot get over the communication problems between Rivka and Yitzchak, I think it's fair to say that Rivka did not handle the situation properly and instead of addressing the problem, she devised a whole plan and made Yaakov seem like a trickster. While we can't place all of the blame on Rivka's shoulders, it really was her plan all along and she was the one who "influenced" Yaakov. We see some resistance from Yaakov when he says that his father will think he is a trickster, and yet he goes through with the plan anyways and listens to his mother. But we definitely do see a different side of her here that is definitely not included in the Little Midrash Says!