Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Today we talked about how the roots of the word Korban meaning Karov, "closeness". I still don't fully understand how sacraficing an animal can bring one close to God? I would not feel anything if I would kill an animal on a mizbeach. I also don't think that people who Shecht feel particularly close to God when they kill an animal, so why does it change when you do it on a Mizbeach?
I don't know if it is because we live in this modern time, but if anyone has a suggestion for why this can bring us closer to God, feel free to comment.


  1. Sheriline,
    Well, I think it's definitely one of those things that you had to be there for. I never really wondered why korbanot were brought,I kind of just accepted that it was a normal thing to do, so perhaps it was very normal for the time then. We definitely can't relate today since we don't have a beit hamikdash and aren't nearly as close to God as people were back then. Maybe someday we will also recognize the importance as well, but since we do not even need to bring korbanot nowadays, we should not over think it too much.

  2. But what I don't get is what people always say about us "just not getting it" because we're "on a lower level" (that's not exactly what Aviva said, but it does get said). I don't see how it could possibly be that complicated and I don't see how it has anything to do with levels. It seems pretty simple. The Rambam was on a very high level and he thought it was all a bunch of nonsense, so I think I'll just stick with him.
