Saturday, August 27, 2011


Hello to all. Before I begin I would like to thank Sharon Soleman for helping me work this thing! After learning about the structure and topics of Sefer Vayikra, I've been wondering why this Sefer is here. It makes more sense that it would come before Bnei Yisrael go into the land of Israel. The next sefer, Bamidbar, discusses the ideal mission (going into the land) and Bnei Yisrael's slave mentality that forces another generation in the desert. Vayikra should come next to teach the people how to be a 'holy' nation in order to ensure their success in Israel. However, this is also the point of Sefer Devarim. So, what is the difference between the themes/goals of these Sefarim?
Also, as I learn new things each year, I realize how 'stereotyped' T0rah is. Why is it that any time you ask someone what Sefer Vayikra is about their immediate response is 'korbanot?' Why is it that the majority of people think that Rashi is a 'pashtan?' Are we really so uneducated? Do you think that this has something to do with the way we are taught things in elementary school? There just seems to be so many misconceptions!


  1. I think that you have made a very good point about the placement of Vayikra. However I do think that its placement makes sense if you look at bamidbar as setting up the ideal situation, of Bnei Yisroel entering Israel almost immediately after being in Egypt. Bnei Yisroel need to learn the concept of mamlechet kohanim v'goy kadosh before they can enter the land of Israel. Without all of the spiritual topics discussed in vayikra, the nation cannot set up the ideal society in the next two sefers of Bamidbar and Devarim. Perhaps that is why Vayikra is placed in the middle of the five sefarim. Also I think that the difference between Vayikra and devarim is the perspective of the two sefers. Maybe Vayikra has more of a "for the future" attitude while devarim leans more towards looking back at past events and deriving lessons from history.

  2. Yeah Alexa! they always tell us things that aren't true! For example
    1. we cover the challah so it doesnt get sad that we make a bracha on the grapejuice first
    2. our skin used to not exist and we used to be covered in nails, like the nails on our fingers.

    there are so many misconceptions and Im glad that in high school we get to investigate.
