Sunday, August 28, 2011

Mamlechet Kohanim v'goy kadosh

So far we have learned that sefer vayikra will deal with how to instruct Bnei Yisroel on how to be a Mamlechet kohanim v'goy kodesh. Since it is only the first week of school, we still are not sure what exactly this means. However this phrase reminded me of other areas in the chumash where Bnei Yisroel are given a certain title such as an Am Segulah. If they have all these different titles, what is the point of each individual one? What sort of values and ideals does each title encompass? And even more so, why do they even need such titles? Why can't Hashem just instruct them on how to act instead of regarding the nation with all these various titles and phrases?

1 comment:

  1. Hello my beautiful Sade,
    I decided to comment on your post because it was so nebuch that nobody else did! Firstly, i would just like to say that as always you asked a wonderful question. I must admit, however, that i do not have an answer. I will definitely try to create a hypothesis in order to try to answer your question but if it is not as intellectual as you want it to be, i apologize in advance. Anyway, i think that the reason why Hashem gives us these flattering names is because he wants to distinguish us from other nations and show that that we truly are his chosen people. If he only calls us by these special names he is showing us that we are special and that he loves us more than anybody else. In addition, these “nicknames” show a sign of love that Hashem has for us. Think about it: husband and wife always call each other sweetie, darling, honeybunny and other nauseating “nicknames”; they only share those nicknames with each other which create a special bond between them. A mother always has a nickname for her children. I am certain that every mother calls her child baby, sweetie, love and maybe even a personal name that only she calls her child. Eminem’s mother called him rabbit; she was the only woman in the world who called him that. I believe that that is definitely a reason why Hashem gave us these names; he wanted to show us love and affection just like a husband feels for his wife and a mother for her child.
