Monday, August 29, 2011


Today while working with Zahava in our chavruata, I began to wonder what the world would be like if people today were still pagans and worshipped idols. According to Rambam's reasoning for why Korbanot were instituted in the first place, Hashem only allowed Bnei Yisroel to bring sacrifices basically because the rest of the world was doing it. So if this is true, maybe that means that today we would also still bring korbanot if the rest of the world does, despite our lacking of the Beit Hamikdash. It is interesting to think about how different the world would be today if people still brought sacrifices..


  1. It's also interesting to think- why did people even stop? Jews stopped because there was no beit hamikdash, but why did others? Maybe because after the kings forced their people to be christian the christians stopped and other nations followed their lead.

    I can't imagine bringin korbanot. Well,actually, it's not that weird. The only weird part would be the why of killing the animal, but people kill animals all the time now for food. Thousands upon thousands of animals..

  2. Zahava I'm starting to wonder why you are not a vegetarian..
    But that is a very good point. The most simple answer I would say is that people eventually realized that sacrifices were barbaric and it just kind of died out, like a fad. Also when more and more people began converting to Christianity and Islam, they forgot about their pagan beliefs and focused completely on their new religions which, as far as I know, don't discuss sacrifices at all. But it must have been hard for people to just abandon their old ways of bringing sacrifices on a daily basis.

  3. Haha about the vegetarian thing, I wonder why I'm not also.

    I like your answer and I think it is satisfying.
