1) What do you think the advantages are of davening over korbanot? Korbanot over davening?
2) Which do you think creates a bigger connection with G-d?
3) Do you think that davening is meaningful if scripted?
4) Which do you think would be easier to do? Is it easier to daven and feel sorry about our actions and truly repent, or give true thanks, or would bringing a korban? Not thinking about how primitive it seems.
I personally think that davening covers a lot more than korbanot, and you can actually communicate your own thoughts. What about you guys!?
1. I think praying is better since one can first of all do it by himself (or in a group) and there is not this intense process and bringing it to the beit hamikdash and a Kohen doing some of the work ect.
ReplyDeleteI think praying creates a bigger connection since you're actually pondering about what you are thankful or asking for and with bringing a Korban you mustn't always do that, but the focus is more on bringing an animal.
I think praying is more meaningful if it is not scripted since most of the people do not even understand what they are saying or the prayers do not even make sense for them. One should say what they think and feel and not just read something that was made by rabbis.
You went there, didn't you? Davening Dilemma.. Korban Conundrum... Oy. :D (will comment more later, but that something had to be said about that clever title)
ReplyDeleteI was feeling clever.