Monday, October 3, 2011

Hello my dear fellow classmates.
This week we have learned about almost all the Korbanot types, different Meforshim about them and their differences in Sefer Vayikra and Tzav. I had a few questions that i was wondering about and i was hoping that perhaps some of you might be able to answer me.
*why are there so many different categories for which we must or can bring a Korban?
*who decided these different types of categories/ kinds of Korbanot?
*what kind of Korban do you feel is missing?
*why are these Korbanot repeated in 2 separate Parashot? What is the point of that?
*since Korbanot dont directly relate to our lives today(since we obviously dont bring Korbanot.. unless you re weird..) what do you think we can learn from Korbanot?
*can you think of any other commandment taht doesnt relate to us directly today since we dont so it anymore?

you dont have to answer all of these questions.. i just anted to get you thinking and hear your opinion on certain questions

1 comment:

  1. This is shtark carmit. Im shepping nachus, as Sade would say.

    1) There are different categories because there are so many different things we have either done wrong, or just done, and so many things we want to say thank you for, and so we cannot simply have one korban that covers everything, or it loses its meaning.

    2) I guess G-d decided this.

    3) I feel like there is a "please help me" korban missing. In davening you can say tehillim and ask for guidance and what not, but I'm not aware of a korban like this.

    4)because one is for the jews to know which type of korban to bring under what situation, and the other is procedure for the kohanim.

    5) Connect to the Lord

    6) Beit Hamikdash stuff, and those of us not in the Holy Promised Land, shmita and land related mitvot...

