Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Gilad Shalit / Prayer

Since we've been talking about Korbanot which today is prayer I was wondering about something when we had the discussion on Gilad Shalit.

Someone mentioned that we should be happy with the deal, and accept it since it is what people prayed for, for so many years (that Shalit should be returned to us) therefore we must thank God and be happy with the results.

What do you think about this statement?

If we would have lived in the times of the Beit Hamikdash, do you think we would bring a korban for this result? Why? Which one?

1 comment:

  1. i am very impressed with your post; that is an excellent question!
    First of all, i think that it is not right to say that we should be happy just because we prayed for it.It depends very much on what we asked for when we prayed for him to return. Yes i did pray numerous times for Gilad Shalit to return but i didnt wish for him to come back. Whenever i prayed, i prayed for him to have an easier day today than yesterday, that the government can make a deal that will bring him back but will not harm our country or that they could find a way to rescue him somehow. I never just said- bring him back no matter what the price!However, if people did pray for that then i guess that statement must be true. but in reality, if you chose to believe that he was rescued because G-d listened to our prayers its not wrong to say that G-d's miracle was flawed since we paid a very heavy price for our prayer to be answered. I dont know if what i said makes any sense...
