Monday, October 31, 2011

Hello my dear fellow classmates,
Although we missed Chumash today i decided to make up for that and blog. So i have another thing to say about forbidden relationships. We learned that you arent allowed to date your half siblings or step siblings. Upon reading that it brought forth a few questions. But first i would like to know what you think:
1. If there are half siblings who grew up together-did the whole fighting in the backseat of the car and being obnoxious siblings as all are- should they be allowed to get married?
*im assuming most of you will say: NO! they are like brother and sister that would be so GROSS!!
2. if we have half siblings who didnt grow up together because Mommy got sick of Daddy cheating on her and bounced with HER biological daughter when she was 1 leaving her 3 year old "son" behind, is it ok for them to get married?
*now this is a little more tricky because although they do share the same dad and many genes, etc. the two of them didnt really know each other because this young girl never really saw her dad or her half brother and didnt grow up with him AT ALL..hmmmm
3. we have step siblings who grew up together because Mommy and Daddy really loved each other. Now these cuties behaved like most siblings do- they fought, called each other stinky and stupid and perhaps even hit each other sometimes- should they be allowed to get married?
* again this is a little tricky. These two siblings share absolutely no genes, yet they grew up as brother and sister. in addition, if they did get married they would have to live with the fact that their lovely parents are deeply in love as well..hmmmmm
4. you probably know what is coming next. Mommy and Daddy met each other when they both already had one child each after their failed marriages. Yet they found love once more and got married to live happily ever after. Is it ok for Daddy's 20 year old to start dating Mommy's 18 year old?
*They do not share any genes and didnt even know each other before they got married. The only awkward thing would be that they would have to explain that they met and fell in love through their parents' marriage and taht their parents are deeply in love...hmmmm

well, now i would like to know what you guys think about these four cases...


  1. 1. No. They should not be allowed to get married. absolutely not. too weird.
    2. If they just randomly met and started dating without knowing they were related its okay, but once they figure out they're related then they should not go out anymore. That's just weird. NO..

    3.It would be really weird. It's like falling in love with your actual sibling. Like, no. But if they did at least they're not really related so their kids won't be messed up.

    4. This one is fine. Sure, it's weird how they met, but there's nothing wrong with it.

  2. Carmit-
    These are very interesting scenarios that really get you thinking! I've come to the conclusion that although these scenarios become less extreme as they go on, they're still weird. Having the same genes obviously makes it more disgusting, but all in all, sharing parents and then getting married is just WEIRD. How would they explain that to their children? One question that I might consider is the following: Let's say the 20 and 18 year old in scenario four were dating before their parents were dating...Now that would a question I may be willing to consider.

  3. 1. no!!! thats incest.

    2. no. half siblings- no. still incest.

    3. no. thats weird. its basically like dating your actual brother or sister.

    4. yes, because they didnt grow up together and have no shared genes. they might have even been dating before the parents, so i see no problem.
