We have learned that there are two perushim for "Kedoshim tihuyu"
One being that we will be Kedoshim if we build a fence around the things that are prohibited
And the other perush is that we should be careful and know the limit with the things that are permitted.
Personally, I loved the second perush for several reasons.
The first one being that I was raised to believe that many concepts in Judaism were created because we need a limit in life and we are human beings who are supposed to be able to live with having certain limitations and not simply following our animal instincts.
I think that putting a fence around the things that are prohibited has very different opinions since we already see that in this day and age the different groups of Jews that have emerged because some believed we must make more fences than others (and other reasons). For example the Charedi, who have much more strict fences than other people. It is therefore hard to set the fence without being too extreme since we do not know where to place it.
On the other hand, putting a fence around the things that we enjoy is much easier since it tells us that we mustn't overdue things even though they are technically allowed. This is then much easier to follow since it is not an actual law, but it is to improve man and help him overcome his weaknesses, while putting a fence around the things that are prohibited just simply admits that we will fail from the beginning which does not give a human hope to improve, but just an easy way out since it won't be as bad if he sinned (since he only sinned about the fenced law and not the actual)
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