Monday, November 14, 2011

Hello my dear fellow classmates,
so lately we have been having discussions in class about how the forbidden relationships which obviously led us to further discussions. I would like to bring up something very important that our dear Mrs. Perl said(whom i miss greatly!!) We live in a western society that is very concerned with individualism(which is also what we learned in Psychology!!) Today, we are very concerned about what will personally benefit us.Therefore, many people in our society seem to have issues with the Torah today. We fail to recognize that we cant just always do what pleases us and must understand that we have to make personal sacrifices for our G-d.
Here are a few questions i have to this topic:
1. Is it outrageous taht G-d asks us to sacrifice aspects of your life for Him?
2. Is our society today immoral because its so focused on the individual? Does that make us egocentric?
3. Is the Torah perhaps outdated because in the past people were willing to sacrifice so much for their gods whereas today it is not so?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think that just because we are more focused on the individual that it makes us immoral. I think we are just in a completely different society where we can't even comprehend how it feels to worry about the bigger picture, or the good of society before ourselves. We are just not used to having to think that way, which is why many concepts in the Torah are difficult for us to understand and as a result, we do not agree with them. Perhaps the Torah is a little bit "outdated" but that is the beauty of rabbis and the entire religion: we have the ability to modify the laws to adjust our needs and our time period. But at the same time, we have to hold on to these crucial laws that form a Jewish society.
