Sunday, November 13, 2011

Some More Homosexual Perspectives

I will be talking about the forbidden sexual relation as described in Vayikra 18:22 which states:
“‘Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is an abomination"
This is a very controversial passuk which strikes much debate about homosexuality.

I did some research on  wikipedia and came up with the following. Granted, this is from wikipedia, so I don't know how much of it is accurate but at least it's something.

Is homosexual intercourse allowed?
Orthodox Jews: No; it is contrary to Judiasm; categorically forbidden by the Torah.
Reform Judaism: Yes.
Conservative Judaism: Up until December 2006 held same position as orthodoxy; now has multiple opinions under its philosophy of pluralism. One opinion continues to follow the Orthodox position; Another opinion has a more liberal view but still regards certain sexual acts as prohibited.
Is homosexual orientation, if not acted upon sexually allowed?
Orthodox Jews: Yes; the Torah only forbids homosexual intercourse, not homosexual desires. 
What about lesbians? They weren't specifically mentioned here.
Maimonodies says in The Mishneh Torah:
"For women to be mesollelot with one another is forbidden, as this is the practice of Egypt, which we were warned against: "Like the practice of the land of Egypt . . . you shall not do" (Leviticus 18:3). The Sages said [in the midrash of Sifra Aharei Mot 8:8–9], "What did they do? A man married a man, and a woman married a woman, and a woman married two men." Even though this practice is forbidden, one is not lashed [as for a Torah prohibition] on account of it, since there is no specific prohibition against it, and there is no real intercourse. Therefore, [one who does this] is not forbidden to the priesthood because of harlotry, and a woman is not prohibited to her husband by this, since it is not harlotry. But it is appropriate to administer to them lashings of rebellion [i.e., those given for violation of rabbinic prohibitions], since they did something forbidden. And a man should be strict with his wife in this matter, and should prevent women known to do this from coming to her or from her going to them."
Basically: Not allowed to be a lesbian. It is forbidden.
A Midrash:
"Rabbi Huna said in the name of Rabbi Joseph, 'The generation of the Flood was not wiped out until they wrote marriage documents for the union of a man to a male or to an animal.'" This seems to be saying that being gay is so bad that it was the straw that broke the camel's back and caused Hashem to flood the world.
A Controversial Story For You Guys to Blog About. (READ THIS, you'll be glad you did!)
Steven Greenberg is an Orthodox Rabbi who received his smicha from Yeshiva University. Then he came out; he is gay. What do you think happened...?
"Being an Orthodox Rabbi and actively gay is an oxymoron," said Rabbi Moshe Tendler, Rosh Yeshiva and Professor of Biology. "It is very sad that an individual who attended our yeshiva sunk to the depths of what we consider a depraved society," Rabbi Tendler continued. Tendler said that Rabbi Greenberg's announcement is "the exact same as if he said, 'I'm an Orthodox Rabbi and I eat ham sandwiches on Yom Kippur.' What you are is a Reform Rabbi." 
--What is your reaction to this true story?
To read more about this, you can click here.

1 comment:

  1. Well I think that this rabbi should be allowed to keep practicing even though he is gay. Who am i to judge? If G-d doesn't like it, when the guy dies he will get punished, it's not our place to say.

    But think about it this way- this guy totally and completely believes in the Torah (he's still orthodox i am assuming?). He believes G-d set down rules with rewards and punishments, and those are the rules. So, he is being gay because he cant help it and thats the way he feels. However, he then also believes that in the Torah it says if you are gay you will get karet. No exceptions. You get karet. He believes he will get karet.

    So if he thinks he's going to get karet, why doesn't he just stop doing everything? Why not just go live out life?
    *Yeah, i know, because he really believes but he cannot help himself from feeling gay.

    Is he going to be extra punished if he stops everything? Can't get worse than karet, can it? So whats the deal?
