Sunday, November 6, 2011

Whenever discussing the Jewish laws in class there is always some sort of debate. Everybody seems to feel very strongly about their opinions, and it seems to be that people do not agree with the way that we are commanded to practice laws such as nidah. Sharon asked a good question about why we cannot just go to the mikvah now so that we can do what we please without being punished. Although I am not a Rabbi and certainly cannot say what the rules are and why they are this way, I feel that as a Jew, we need to accept the laws the way they are. In today's society there are so many different sects of Jews and everybody has a different opinion as to how we are supposed to go about practicing laws. Many people today do not even keep the laws of nidah, and as we learned, there is a harsh punishment for this. I think that is upsetting that we are so far removed from the time when the Jews received the Torah and actually knew how to practice the laws properly. Without the proper guidance, many people find themselves lost lost and most of us end up making our own rules. So, it is difficult for us to come up with reasons about why we should keep many of the laws or why we have to keep them in such a way, but I feel that it is important to recognize that we are a special, unique nation and that we should take this into consideration while performing the mitzvot. Whenever we are not sure about something we always have a Rabbi to go to for answers, and we can even look up the sources behind certain mitzvot that bother us on our own! These mitzvot are a guide for us for our lives and without certain guidelines, we would just be like all of the other nations. There are so many people in the world who are lost and have terrible lives because they do not practice their religion, or do not have a religion at all and they end up with nothing. We have so much and it is important to always remember this.

1 comment:

  1. Who says we cant go to the mikva before we are married? I agree with Sharon. Furthermore, it was probably a man who said that women cannot go to the mikva.

    And for my next point, I am not at all talking about you, or me, or anyone at school or anyone we know! I am just saying the following:
    There are people who will say that of course you have to go to the mikva, laws of nida and tahart hamishpacha blah blah.
    These same people are dating boys, not shomer, and you know... doing things with their boyfriends that also breaks the laws about women touching men. So if these people are so insistent that one go to the mikva, why are they going around touching boys and doing other things that arent permissible either? if one strongly believes in going to the mikva, what about not touching the opposite sex?
    and is the punishment the same?
    dont you think karet is a little extreme?!
