Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Beginning

Hello everyone,
I would first like to point out that I am excited to learn Bereishit because I do not think we have ever learned it in depth before. Just from the first two prakim we are able to see how much God did in the span of six days. Although we do not know exactly how much time that was, it is fascinating that God decided to all of a sudden create this new world. From this we can see how much was put into creating the world. Perek Alef describes the very basic elements that were created. We might take this for granted in our lives today. We see all of the different parts of nature that God created, but imagine what the world would be like if it was still in a state of chaos where the sky and sea weren't separated etc. It would be so different! Perek Bet is even more insightful because it provides even more details of creation and focuses on the role of man over all of the animals. Does anyone ever wonder why man was not created before animals? It is cool to me to see how everything was in the very beginning. We always know in the back of our minds that the world was created by God at one point and was not always there, but by learning it now, we are able to really focus on what happened and how awesome it really was. We can also remember how important our role in this world is because God instructed us to be leaders over the animals from the very beginning.

1 comment:

  1. hello Aviva,
    What you wrote is very interesting and actually caused me to think about what you wrote. I also wonder now that you've mentioned it why man was not created before the animals since he is supposed to be "above" them and control them. Maybe its because he wanted to "save the best for last?" Maybe god wanted to ensure that his "greatest masterpiece" would be created in the end and complete the world in that way. I am totally taking guesses here and really don't know what the right answer here would be..
