Monday, January 30, 2012


We have started with learning about the meaning of Toldot. When we read the Neziv, which mentioned that in the generations from Adam, and then sometimes skips a generation from a reighteous person to a not so very reighteous.

Why does this happen? Did God plan this, and if so, why?

I personaly do not agree with the Neziv since I think that it was the peoples decision to be good or not. Everyone has it in them, and can chose and with their experiences and their character, they will form a decision.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very interesting question. I agree with you, though. I don't think it has anything to do with patterns and switching in generations and stuff. I think sometimes we get too caught up in looking for patterns or gematriyah that we fail to see what's obvious. Don't we all have free will? Doesn't everyone get to decide for themselves whether they're gonna be a good person? Just because their grandfather was good, doesn't mean that they are good, and just because they're father is good doesn't mean they have to be bad.
