Sunday, January 15, 2012

Physical or Not?

As we discussed the idea of Gan Eden and man's role in keeping it up and utilizing what God put there for him, I could not help but wonder if this garden was actually a physical place or not. These days it does not seem to be an actual place on earth, rather, it must be some place out of our world where we go when we die. However, if it is not a part of our world, then why did God make it sound like a physical place? This reminds me of the idea that we learned in machshava about God creating the concept of days and shabbos at the end so that we can relate to it in our lives. Do you think that God did the same when describing the garden? I feel that it is not a physical place in our world because God gave it over to the angels to guard when He kicked Adam and Chava out. This also makes me wonder if Adam and Chava were not actually physical people until God made them leave and made their lives harder to live. This is the way that we live today, not like the angels who are in Gan Eden right now. I doubt we will ever discuss this in class, but this idea really interests me.

1 comment:

  1. Aviva you totally stole my blog! I was going to write about where I thought gan eden was and if it really is a physical place that we can actually go to. I thought it was interesting that you connected it to machshava, I love the idea that Hashem created the world in a 7 day model in order to institute the idea of Shabbos. If the Torah would not have been written in that design of the 7 day model I dont think we would have shabbos. Even more so, the whole notion of a 7 day week would not exist. The entire world would be different. Also it seems like to me that Adam and Chava were like semi-angels before they were kicked out of the Garden of eden. they were so non physical; it's hard to imagine that they were physical people just like us.
