Sunday, January 29, 2012


Good evening everyone,
So, this past week it rained, and as usual, it seemed like just another gloomy, rainy day. But, while I was walking back from art on my way to go home, I saw a rainbow! First of all, rainbows are not daily occurrences, so I stopped and gazed at it for a while, thinking how beautiful it was. Then, I realized how awesome it is that we even have rainbows. In parshat Noach, God made a rainbow as a sign that He would never make such a flood, like the one in this parsha. It is incredible to see a rainbow and realize that God might have wanted to destroy the world, but kept to His promise instead. We are so lucky that despite all of the craziness going on in the world today, God has not chosen to destroy the entire world in a flood. It also seems kind of scary that God wanted to destroy the world that day. So, when we see rainbows, we should be thankful to God for not destroying us like He destroyed the world in the time of Noach!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Aviva, that is such a deep and wonderful thought! It is quite nice that G-d doesn't destroy the world...
    This post makes me think about the different ways G-d does punish people (or give them a consequence that should follow an action. Not necessarily punish, because that has a negative connotation). In each generation the Jewish people do something else wrong, and it is interesting to compare all of the different things that they do wrong and consequences. Last year in navi, we learned about how even in the desert the Jews were sinning (golden calf), even right after G-d took them out of Egypt and performed great miracles. We are lucky G-d promised not to wipe out the world, because if people had a hard time with their faith back then, then nowadays it's even harder!
