I have asked myself, why one must bring a korban Asham even if he is not sure if he committed a sin or not. The simple answer is, just to make sure that if he sinned, he brought a Korban (like saying sorry to someone even if you're not sure if you actually hurt them- but you want to do it just in case.)
The other reason, given by Sforno is that the person actually brings the sin offerining because he is uncertain if he committed the sin since one must always be aware of their surroundings and doings.
I really think this was an important message and therefore I want to give it over to you aswell. It is important to always be aware of oneself and of the people around you since you can hurt someone so easly, or yourself with just one simple act.
That simple act can just take one second, but the resulting pain of it can sometimes last forever.
Stop. Think. Act
Sharon I think that this was a great point to make and it really connects korbanot to our daily lives even today. Also this is so important especially since Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are coming up, and it is the time where we have to recognize our mistakes and ask people for forgiveness - even if we didn't realize that we hurt them, exactly like you said. Beautiful post Sharona!