Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hello my dear fellow classmates,

Im currently in the middle of my little project with Sade in which we had to learn about the Korban Mincha and Olah. I actually read quite a few of the posts that many different people in our class wrote. I find it so interesting to see how different certain things were from what I learned and how some things actually seem familiar. This brought me to think about a few questions.

1. Why are there so many different kinds of Korbanot-is it really necessary to have so many different kinds?

2. Why do we have to learn about all the different processes that they had to go through when bringing each individual Korban? We don’t use Korbanot today so how is that applicable to our everyday life?

3. Why are there differences when describing the Korbanot in Parashat Zav and Parashat Vayikrah?


  1. Hello dear partner! I would like to offer my opinion on your wonderful questions. Firstly I think that there are so many different kinds of korbanot because they each focus on a different aspect of a person's life. If there was only one kind of korban for all different situations, maybe the people would not be able to feel like there are making some sort of connection with Hashem and therefore strengthening their relationship.

  2. 1. There are different kinds because there are different things we need to do: give thanks or say sorry and what not. One korban can't act as something for everything because people will lose focus on the meaning.

    2. We should know everything about the past of our religion, especially because if there were a Beit Hamikdash we might actually bring korbanot.

    3. Beats me...
