A Korban Nedava is a Korban that one brings voluntarily. The Ola, Mincha, and Shlamim all fall under the category of a Korban Nedava. These are for people who just want to bring a korban to Hashem; they didn't sin and don't have an obligation to bring one, but they want to (perhaps they want to feel more of a connection towards Hashem).
A Korban Chova is a mandatory offering. The Chatat and Asham fall under this category. The Korban Chova is for people who have sinned and therefore they're obligated to bring a sin offering (either a Chatat or Asham). In order for the person to be forgiven for their sin, they must bring a Korban (hence the word obligated).
Isn't it so special that people can bring korbanot in order to help them feel a closer connection to Hashem?! I really think it's a wonderful thing. I never really understood the true meaning of korbanot before I learned this about them. Nowadays it's so hard for us to daven or find other ways to connect to Hashem which makes it seem (to me at least) that having korbanot today would make our lives easier in a way.