Sunday, September 11, 2011

Who Is The Real 'Copycat??'

Before I begin, I would like to thank Carmit for giving me my topic for my post this week. Carmit discussed the Rambam's answer to why we bring korbanot which is because other nations did. It was part of the pagan ways. People were so used to korbanot being part of religion that Hashem couldn't just fully take it away. They couldn't just stop bringing korbanot cold turkey. One may be disturbed that we are 'recycling' customs of other nations in to our own. If this is the case or not, is for another blog. However, I would like to get everyone to realize the following: Think of how much Judaism has played a role in shaping other religions. Just about all of christianity is based off of Judaism. From Judaism came both Christianity and Islam. They both took the Monotheism of Judaism and then adapted it to their own beliefs. For example, Easter, probably one of the most important and biggest holidays of Christianity, is based off of Pesach. Muslims observe their faith to one G-d through their five daily prayers, while Jews pray three times daily. Just as we have laws of Kashrus, so do the Muslims. Realizing this makes me so proud to be a Jew. Yes, we might be a small nation, but our impact on the world is insurmountable. Whether people believe it or not, today's leading religions are based off of Judaism. Our commandments are G-d given and not based off anything else. We are the chosen nation. BE PROUD.

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