Sunday, September 18, 2011

Not Korbanot (Again!)

Another post, another struggle to find something to talk about aside from Korbanot. Oh, the suffering. So, what shall it be today?
Well, I realized that I could not think of anything off the top of my head, so I was left with no choice but to go on the shelf and look into the text of Vayikra and see if I could find something interesting to write about. 
So here it is: The Small Alef in th Word ויקרא:
Apparently, we can learn something about Moshe from this. 
As you may have heard, Moshe was a very humble guy. I mean, it only took him forever to finally say yes to Hashem when Hashem first appeared to him. So it should come as no surprise that many people attribute this little alef to yet another sign of Moshe's humility. According to the Baal HaTurim, Moshe wanted to describe Hashem's revelation to him in the least complimentary way possible. 

 Backtrack a little bit. ויקר without an alef has negative connotations. It is seen in Hashem's prophecy to Balaam and is there to present chance and spiritual contamination. The implication of this is that even though Hashem had a reason to talk to Balaam, H' did it not so lovingly.
Back to Moshe. Moshe wanted to describe Hashem's appearance to him with the same uncomplimentary word used for Balaam, but Hashem wanted him to use an alef as a sign of love. But Moshe was just toooo humble and so, finding that he had to put it in because God requested it but was still so humble, he compromised by making hte alef tiny. 
Moshe should really be a model to us all on the value of humility. According to  R'Bunam of P'schish'cha Moshe was the humblest person who ever lived. Pretty cool stuff.  

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